16 Αυγ 2013

Υπογράψτε να τα σώσουμε

 πολυ ωραιες φωτο απο την φιλη μου Τζην στην Αμερικη ..υπογραψτε να τα σωσουμε 

Hi ya...night after night I sit in bed and send animal petitions from all over the world, to all over the world. It is very depressing as beautiful creatures on earth will soon never be seen again--extinction. The east coast Puma is already gone, some years ago. So sad, most nights I cry, hoping people will send the notices on or donate to elephants, wolves, whales, dolphins, or to stop oil drilling in pristine lands, end the ivory trade. More and more I think the only thing that will stop it, grind our political dick-heads to an halt is a PMS DAY.
I have spoken of this before, I successfully--just the threat of this event--with other women, pulled this off in Bermuda in the 1980s to change abortion laws.
PMS ..Pre Mellenrnial Solidarity.. A day where all working women, except in essential services like the hospital, would not go to their jobs to support this new Bill.
We need to do this in the USA, Post Millennial Solidarity, no women go to work: all colors, all religions. PMS is a sick day...o my bloating! o my period! so you don't loose pay! We do this at random until our demands are met. 
Last time I tried to organise this in the USA, no one replied. Too bad. Bermuda women got their demands. Collectively, Women have huge power, too bad they don't utilise it.
xxx Jeanne 

Here's Some Of Nature's Most Beautiful Creatures. Enjoy! :)
I hope you can view these.  They are incredible...and one day, like the Puma they will be no more.

Share These Photos Of God's Most Beautiful

 Επιλογή: Ηλίας Κ.

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